5 Healthy Food to Include in your breakfast

Healthy food to include in your breakfast. Wondering what food you should eat for breakfast. Here is oats, yogurt and fruit.

So you are having breakfast everyday, but are you eating healthy food. Are you looking for healthy breakfast options? What food to include in your breakfast to make it healthy enough? Breakfast fuels up our body and brain, after an overnight fast. Yes, that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! It kick-starts our metabolism, […]

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5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

What are the reason you are not losing weight, though you are working out? Here is dumbbell, weighing machine, fitness ball and sports shoe.

You are working out, yet you aren’t losing weight. You are wondering what might be the reason you aren’t losing as much weight as you expected. The reason can be you might have hit the weight loss plateau. You have been counting calories, walking, running, jumping and yet not losing weight? It is because of […]

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5 Exercise Alternatives To Running

There are many alternatives to Running. Here a woman is stretching before running.

I love working out but hate running. I had been on the look out for alternatives to running for long time. Is it the same for you? I know we all wanna be fit and strong? Running has been one of the most primitive methods to stay in shape. But what if you hate treadmills […]

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