5 Healthy Food to Include in your breakfast

Healthy food to include in your breakfast. Wondering what food you should eat for breakfast. Here is oats, yogurt and fruit.

So you are having breakfast everyday, but are you eating healthy food. Are you looking for healthy breakfast options? What food to include in your breakfast to make it healthy enough? Breakfast fuels up our body and brain, after an overnight fast. Yes, that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! It kick-starts our metabolism, helping us burn calories throughout the day. Without breakfast we are unnecessarily running on empty, like a car with no petrol! Skipping breakfast can makes us overeat later in the day. A healthy breakfast, on the other hand, can give us energy, satisfy our appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.

To help you start your day on the right foot, here are a list of food items you can include in your breakfast:

1. Eggs

Food to include in your healthy breakfast. Here is egg which is healthy and good for breakfast.

Eggs are a very good protein source to include in your healthy breakfast. They are not only rich in proteins but when eaten as a part of balanced breakfast, eggs can keep you full all morning long. Studies have shown that having eggs for breakfast increases the feelings of fullness, reduces the overall calorie intake at next meal. Three large eggs provide about 20 grams of high-quality protein, along with dozen other essential nutrients.

2. Oatmeal

There are many healthy food to include in your breakfast. One of them is oatmeal. Here is oatmeal, fruits, honey and berries.

Oats are one of the best options to include in your breakfast. Oatmeal is made of hulled oat grains – groats – that have either been milled, steel-cut, or rolled. Oats contain fibers, specially beta-glucan which helps lower cholesterol as well as regulate blood sugar levels. It can keep you satiated for hours. Oats are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Steel-cut oats take about 15 minutes to cook and contain more fiber than rolled oats or instant varieties. But at the end any type of oatmeal is a healthy choice. Just avoid the flavored kinds as they can be packed with sugar. Instead, you can sweeten your bowl with milk and a bit of honey, and top with fruit and nuts.

3. Coffee

Looking for healthy food to include in your breakfast. Coffee is good option to include in your breakfast. Here is coffee pots with coffee and cups with coffee seeds.

Coffee is a favorite of many. But did you know it has health benefits too. Read it here. It makes a good healthy breakfast option too. The espresso doesn’t just wake you up. Coffee drinking has been linked to a lower risk of several diseases (such as diabetes and prostate cancer), and it may even help you live longer. Researchers suspect the combination of caffeine and antioxidants are responsible for many of the observed health benefits. (A 2005 study found that coffee is the number-one source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet, believe it or not.) But loading coffee up with cream and sugar may deplete any potential benefits. So skip the flavored drinks, and stick with skim milk.

4. Peanut Butter

Out of many food to include in your breakfast to make it healthy, peanut better is one of the best. Here is whole grain bread and peanut butter.

Peanut Butter is an excellent alternate source of protein, and it’s filled with monounsaturated fat. Natural peanut butter is an excellent healthy food to include in your breakfast. It is also filled with monounsaturated fat (one of the good fats), which may help lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Always look for a brand that contains peanuts and not much else. It can help you feel satisfied without becoming stuffed. But don’t go overboard, limit your portion to 1 to 2 tablespoons per sitting.

5. Nuts

Nuts are also a good food option for healthy breakfast. Here is a jar of walnuts.

They’re a great addition to breakfast because they are filling and help prevent weight gain . Nuts are tasty, satisfying and nutritious. Even though nuts are high in calories, studies suggest you do not absorb all of the fat in them. As a fact, your body only absorbs about 129 calories from a 28-gram of almonds. Furthermore, nuts have been shown to improve heart disease risk factors, reduce insulin resistance and decrease inflammation. Also it’s well know that all types of nuts are also high in magnesium, potassium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Nuts are also recommended for people with diabetes. In one study, replacing a portion of carbs with 2 ounces of nuts led to reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

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