5 Un-Resolutions This New Year

un resolutionsHave you noticed that the older you get…. the less you care about shit?`
New years are symbol of new beginnings. It is a perfect time for self-reflection and resolution-making. It is a great time to hit “refresh” on the way you look at your life and the things you prioritize. This year, instead of vowing to hit the gym every day, let’s make some un-resolutions and tally some of the things that we’re going to cross off our list of stressors for the next year. Because, sometimes, you just need to give fewer f**ks about the things that are weighing you down.

So if you want to make sure you’re out there living your best life possible, here are fifteen things that you’ve just gotta stop giving a shit about.

1. What anyone thinks about you.

other think about you

We all waste so much time and energy on this. Sure it’s totally important for you to check yourself if your family and tight friends say you’re acting shady. But if you’re worried about strangers or frenemies talking shit about you and your life choices? Ignore the haters and just do you.

2. The life choices of others.

life choice of other

If a dude wants to marry a dude or your neighbor wants to practice their faith in their own home or a colleague wants to go through a gender transition, that’s their choice. If it’s not affecting you directly, it’s none of your business. You shouldn’t even be wasting time thinking about it or voicing your opinion through Facebook memes.

3. Dying to be productive all the time.

Yes we all love our career, but it’s necessary to take a day off. Get in the habit of taking a morning, afternoon or whole day to yourself where you focus on nothing other than doing, well, nothing. And if that means taking a sicky from work, so be it. Consider it a day for well-being. Lounge on the couch for a Netflix binge, stay in bed all day reading a book or head to the spa for some pampering. And above all, don’t give one single ounce of a goddamn about anything else.

4. Trying hard to be someone you’re not.

It’s the oldest piece of advice in the book, but it’s true – just be yourself. Quirks, oddities and all. Because that’s you. And all you should be focusing on is being the most badass version of yourself possible. Surround yourself with people that love the ‘you’ that you love, people that you can be comfortable with and who bring out your best qualities. It’s always better to be a first-rate version of yourself than a second-rate version of someone else.

5. Making everyone happy.


No matter how hard you try to please everyone, it’ll never happen. You can’t control other peoples’ feelings or reactions, so just focus on what makes you happy.

Love ya all! sneha signature

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