Is Showering Everyday Bad?

The topic of showering everyday has been a lot debated. But I think showering everyday is bad. Everyday showers are not at all beneficial.

Showering everyday? Isn’t it a big debate? There’s a big jury of hygiene out there to decide whether showering everyday is good or bad. Of course there’s been lot of research on showering everyday, but I’m not here to dwell on that. As kids bathing was really fun but as I grew up showering became essential part of my healthy life. I love to lather myself up and get rid of that sweat and dirt. But is showering everyday really that necessary?

Most people I know can’t start their day without taking a shower. Showering everyday has become such a religious regime in our routine that, thinking of a day without it makes us think ourselves impious or ungodly.

Showering everyday is bad. Not healthy at all. Here is a tub for bath.

Though there has been scientific studies on the effects of showering everyday, but there hasn’t been any concrete scientific counsel on the actual number of showers to be taken each week.

I will let you choose what you want for yourself. But let’s see why you shouldn’t be showering everyday:

1. It dries your skin

Bath everyday is not good. SHower harms the skin health. Here's a girl in shower. Hand and roses.

Yes, I know, we all love showering in hot water. But did you know hot showers with lot of soap can turn your skin flaky and dry. The hot water and the chemicals in the soap strips off the natural oils from the skin. For me sometimes, it becomes that bad, that I start scratching all over, just after shower. At the end irritated, dry skin isn’t all that good for your health.

2. It’s bad for your hair

Showering everyday spoils your hair too. Hot showers do make your hair dry. Here is a girl with dry frizzy hair.

Bathing everyday, on top of that washing your hair everyday, isn’t good at all. If you didn’t know, washing your hair everyday makes it not only dry but also dull, frizzy and lusterless. Slowly it makes your hair weak and damaged. Why don’t you try few days without showering your hairs. You will notice your hair to be shinier and healthier.

3. You’re killing off the good bacteria

Showering everyday, adversely affect the growth of the good bacteria on our skin. These good microbes not only keeps our skin healthy but protects against harmful bacteria.

4. You aren’t that dirty everyday

Well some might be that dirty, but most of us work indoors and don’t really get that dirty. Unless you are going to gym everyday or working out hard you really don’t need to be showering everyday. Most people have this wrong notion that if you don’t shower everyday, you are dirty or smell bad. Unless you sweat a lot, you won’t. We all use deodorants and perfumes any ways. Don’t forget the basic hygiene.

5. You will be saving water

Some say showers are good. But I think showering everyday is not good at all. Here is a girl in the shower.

Showering everyday does takes up lot of water. It might not mean a huge thing to you, but you will really be saving up ton of water. Isn’t it that drops that make up an ocean?

6. You will be saving some time in getting ready

Doesn’t the after-shower-care takes lot of time. You have to dry yourself then moisturize your skin thoroughly. If it’s not enough, you have to blow dry your hair. Some might have the perfect hair, but most of us with long hairs, dread the after shower routine.

7. It spoils your manicure

Showering everyday is harmful. It spoils your manicure. Spoils your nails. It's bad. Here is a girl with manicure done. Hand and nail polish.
I guess we all have seen our nail expanding a bit in hot showers. Well this constant expanding and shrinking does chips away the nail polish and spoils the manicure.

Let me know what do you think about showering everyday? Has it been good or bad for you?

Love ya all! sneha signature

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