5 Things To Keep On Your Workstation

workstation work neat clean stuff

Isn’t it a train station is where a train stops? A bus station is where a bus stops. But on my desk I have a work station and you know the rest.

We all spend a heck of a time in our office and most of it is on our workstation. Whether we like our job or not, our office life kind of revolve around our workstation. I have seen many people decorating their workstation as temples and some keeping it as minimalist as possible. I believe you can always keep few stuff that lifts your mood every time. Someday the 8-9 hours in office might not seem bearable, but a sleek workstation can always get you through the day. Here are a few things to keep on your workstation to add a little to your everyday office life.

1. Plant

workstation plant work clean air

If you have spent most of your childhood playing outdoors, keeping a plant on our workstation can soothe you. It will not only beautify the dull mundane office desk, but also give that fresh air to breathe. Don’t stress! Just Breathe! Don’t forget to water it and prune it. You can also fulfill that making-a-bonsai hobby if you love it.

2. Photos

I have seen many workstations where people have stuck photos of their children, parents or spouses. We all have our emotional attachments. People who support us and inspire us to be who we are. You can too keep them close on your workstation. You can stick them, or use photo frames. My personal favorite is digital frames. It is quite elegant. Just one frame, sitting right in one corner with hundreds of photos streaming on it. Isn’t it amazing?

3. Healthy Snacks

workstation work snacks healthy food

It has been seconded by many researchers, we feel hungrier when we are stressed out. Why not keep some healthy snacks with you? No not the salted ships but healthy alternatives. You can keep nuts, fruits or sugar-free biscuits. Even those little bit spicy ‘Haldiram’ stuff. I prefer keeping a water bottle too. So grab some eateries and munch on them while working. Don’t get overboard though. It’s just snack and not a full-fledged meal.

4. Stress Ball or Fidget Spinners

Your work may or may not be that stressful, but no harm keeping a stress ball. Anxiety or stress, here’s your buddy. You can press it let that negativity vent out. Some of us like to fidget with things such as keyboard, pens, bangles and even hair, when we are tensed. Or you can simply keep it to pass time or play with it whenever you feel free.

5. Stationery

workstation work stationery

Yes, that boring stationary. All that papers and clips that gives tied-to-a-chair office feeling. Keeping notebooks, pens, paper clips and even post its handy is very essential. You always need something to jot down or nervously scribble on. Keep a nice neat stack of the stationary always at your desk and save yourself the hassle of asking things from others at the time of need.

These small things may not sound too big, but together they go a big way in making a difference in your everyday efficiency. You spend more than 50% of your cognizant hours in office, why not make it enjoyable rather than suffer the daily grind.

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Love ya all! sneha signature

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